

英漢字典: get ahead of

get ahead of   (TTS發音)

1. obtain a position in front of;get in advance of走在…前面;領先;提前

    Only hard work can get you ahead of your competitors. 只有努力工作才能使你走在你的競爭者的前面。

    The car behind wants to get ahead of you. 後面那輛車想起你的車。

    If I told you the end now, I would get ahead of myself in the stors. 我如果把結局現在就告訴你,我將提前結束我的故事。

2. surpass勝過;超過

    He gets ahead of me in mathematics. 他的數學比我好。

    We are sure to get ahead of them in the near future. 我們確信不久就會超過他們。

    Tom has got ahead of all the others in the class. 湯姆已經勝過了班上所有其他同學。

    She got ahead of me this test. 在這次考試中她的名次在我前面。

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